Rising 9th Grade Course Selection (2025-26)

Fairfax High School

Visit FHS Student Services Website for Academic Advising for information and the FHS Course Catalog

Fairfax High School Rising 9th Grade Parent Presentation

Fairfax High School Counselor Student Lesson

Jan. 13

8th grade (rising 9th) Course Selection Lessons

In TA, 8th grade students will hear from Fairfax High School Counselors to learn about the courses offered at Fairfax and how to select classes for the 25-26 school year. More information will be shared with students by TA teachers the week of the lesson.

Jan. 15

8th grade Electives Fair at KJMS

During TA, staff and students from FHS will visit KJMS to share information about elective courses at FHS.

Jan. 15

Robinson SS IB info night


If interested in the International Baccalaureate Program at Robinson, please see the IB flyer or the Robinson website.

Jan. 16

FHS Curriculum Night


(Rescheduled from Jan. 6) Both events will help families to select classes at Fairfax HS and prepare for the 25-26 school year.

Jan. 22

Course Selections entered into SIS Student Vue

In TA, students will enter the classes they would like to take at Fairfax for the 25-26 school year. Once classes are entered, students and families will be able to see courses in SIS Student and Parent Vue.

Jan. 22 - Feb 5

Academic Advisement 

KJMS Counselors will meet with all students to answer individual questions about courses and make updates to course selection where necessary. If your family has a question, please wait for your student to meet with their counselor before reaching out to the KJMS counselor.

Feb. 5

Final day to update Course Selections in Student SIS

After this date, changes can be made by contacting your KJMS Counselor or your FHS Counselor. No changes to courses can be made after the last day of the current school year.

Apr. 29

KJMS Field Trip to FHS

All 8th grade students and staff will visit FHS for a transition tour of the building, a student information panel, and an Athletics and Activities Fair.

June 6

Final Day to make changes to courses for next year

This is the final day to make changes to classes for the 25-26 school year. Please email your FHS counselor (see website for alpha assignment) or email your KJMS counselor.

Robinson Secondary School IB Program

One of the options available to your student next year is to select a student transfer to Robinson Secondary School to be a part of the International Baccalaureate Program. If you are interested in finding out more about the IB Program, we are excited to bring you details about an upcoming opportunity to learn more about the academic programs and educational services offered at Robinson. Our hope is that by attending, you will have many of your questions answered and be able to help your students make a more informed decision about which classes would be the best fit and if the IB program is the right choice for them. 


Please join us on Wednesday, January 15th according to the schedule below. Teachers from all subjects (core and elective) will be available to answer your questions and share with you more details about what to expect from their class. Specialists will also be available to discuss special education needs and how to support multilingual learners and immersion students. 


5:00-6:00 pm: Parents of rising 7th and 9th graders: We will begin the night with two information sessions to provide an overview of the expectations for middle school and high school academics to include discussion of the IB Middle Years Program and IB Diploma Program. This portion of the night is dedicated to families who currently have 6th grade students and 8th grade students only.

6:00-6:30 pm: Parents of rising 7th-12th grade students: The next portion of the night involves small group sessions with our specialists. Hear more about the math sequence options, Special Education services, and support for immersion students and also multilingual learners.

6:30-7:30 pm: Parents of rising 7th-12th grade students: The night continues with a Curriculum Fair where teachers from every subject will be available to answer your questions, share the expectations for their courses (i.e. the differences between Honors and Standard classes; details about projects and what assessments look like in their course) and provide more information to help you guide your students to the right level of rigor.

7:30-8:00 pm: Parents of rising 7th-12th grade students: We conclude the night with another opportunity to attend small group sessions with our specialists. Hear more about the math sequence, Special Education services, and support for immersion students and also multilingual learners.

We hope that this night is one that provides you with lots of opportunities for clarification and allows you to learn more about many of the exciting courses and programs that Robinson has to offer.