Departments Career & Technical Education (CTE) Meet our CTE teachers, view course catalogs, and learn more about CTE in FCPS English Meet our English teachers, view course catalog, and learn about FCPS English curriculum English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Meet our ESOL teachers, view course catalog and learn about the middle school ESOL curriculum Math Meet our Math teachers, view our course catalog, and learn about the FCPS math curriculum. Science Meet our Science teachers, view our course catalog, and learn about the FCPS science curriculum Social Studies Meet our Social Studies teachers, view course catalogs, and learn about the FCPS Social Studies curriculum Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Meet our VPA teachers, view the course catalogs, and learn about the middle school VPA curriculum World Languages Meet our World Language teachers and view the course catalogs Health & Physical Education Meet our Health & PE teachers, view course catalogs, and learn about H&PE curriculum Special Education Our Special Education program serves our students with diverse needs.