Rising 8th Grade Course Selection (2025-26)

KJMS Course Catalog

Course Catalog


Jan. 22

7th grade Course Selection Lessons

In TA, 7th grade students will hear from KJMS Counselors to learn about the courses offered at KJMS and how to select classes for the 25-26 school year. 

Jan. 24

Course Selections entered into SIS Student Vue

In TA, students will enter the classes they would like to take at KJMS for the 25-26 school year. Once classes are entered, they will be visible in SIS Student and Parent Vue. 

Feb. 5 - 14

Academic Advisement 

KJMS Counselors will meet with all students to answer individual questions about courses and make updates to course selection where necessary. If your family has a question, please wait for your student to meet with their counselor before reaching out to the KJMS counselor.

Feb. 14

Final day to enter Course Selections into SIS

After this date, changes can be made by contacting your KJMS Counselor. No changes to courses can be made after the last day of the current school year.

June 11

Final Day to make changes to courses for next year

This is the final day to make changes to classes for the 25-26 school year. You can send an email to your KJMS counselor.

Course Selection Sheet

These course selection sheets are from the 2024-25 school year. This paper is only for reference. To select classes, all students will enter classes into SIS StudentVue at school; staff members will help you. This paper does not need to be returned.