Ms. Buchner Named 2017 Region 5 Outstanding Support Employee!

Three more Eagle staff members recognized at FCPS Honors

By Department of Human Resources
September 15, 2017

a photo of kristen buchnerCongratulations to Spanish-Language Parent Liaison Kirsten Buchner who was recognized at the annual FCPS Honors event as the 2017 Region 5 Outstanding School-based Hourly Employee and one of five finalists for this year's FCPS Outstanding School-based Hourly Employee award.

Ms. Buchner is a master at coordinating resources and services to assist the at-risk families. She coordinates free dental and health care for students in need, arranges food and clothing donations and helps families apply for assistance so that students don’t go hungry or cold. She has initiated projects such as the Family Reunification Group, a six-week support program for students who immigrate to the area to live with parents they barely know, and a Café Latino night where parents can meet with school administrators and counselors and where they are encouraged to become involved in the school community. Because Ms. Buchner is a dedicated student advocate, students know they have an ally who will help them over any hurdle that impedes their success.

Congratulations to all our Eagle staff members recognized FCPS Honors.

Outstanding Secondary Teacher School-level Recipient

  • Greer Mancuso (ESOL) 

Outstanding School-based Support Employee School-level Recipient

  • Yanelkis Ortega (Assistant Building Supervisor)

Outstanding School-based Leader School-level Recipient

  •  Kathryn Teague (Director of Student Services)

Thank you to Nancy Wood for all of her hard work with the nomination process by serving as this year's awards liaison.