KJMS Strings Quartet Performs at Eagle View Music & Arts Night

March 08, 2024

On March 6, Noah Nguyen, Chiara Shaw, David Hwang and Abby Reid performed as a string quartet for the Eagle View Music and Arts night and it was outstanding!


The group performed in the lobby and added a wonderful extra level of excitement to the night for the families that attended.  It was such fun seeing people’s faces light up as they watched and listened.  Many people that I spoke with thought they were high schoolers because they sounded so advanced!  Several of my students asked me about the group today.  Their performance had a positive impact on our school community!

Noah, Chiara, David and Abby each represented KJMS and the orchestra program exceptionally through their demeanor and inspiring performance.  Thank you to the performers and to Anna Sengstack for her amazing teaching and willingness to add yet another event during this busy time of year!

-Melissa Brown, Strings Teacher, Union Mill ES & Eagle View ES