Eagles SOAR

 At KJMS, our students, teachers, and staff SOAR by being Socially responsible, Open-minded, Accountable, and Respectful. 

Socially Responsible

  • Being aware of your surroundings.
  • Understanding that you are part of a larger community through listening to, communicating with, and supporting each other.


  • Listening and understanding to those who are different than us and have different opinions than us.
  • Communicating with others who have a different opinion, to do so with kindness.


  • Arriving to class prepared with necessary materials, a charged laptop, completed homework, adhering to deadlines while staying committed to the day's activities.
  • Having the right attitude when addressing issues and asking your teachers and other staff members for help when you need it.


  • Treating others with dignity by being kind, not hurting anyone else's feelings by what we say to them or about them.
  • Lifting people up and not tearing people down.