Katherine Johnson MS Weekly News - March 28, 2025
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Reminder: Charging Laptops DailyPlease remind your child to bring a fully charged laptop/Chromebook to school every day! We have limited loaners and students should use the laptop and charger assigned to them.
Make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram to see pictures and videos from our events!
in this issue:- KJMS Upcoming Events
- Principal's Message
- Safety of Our Eagles
- Reporting Attendance at KJMS
- Top 10 Reasons KJMS Is Extraordinary
- Korean Class Visits H Mart
- Order Your 2024-2025 KJMS Yearbook Now!
- 2025 Virtual Military Night
- Attn: Military Families
- KJMS Amazon Wishlist
- National School Librarian Day
- KJMS PTA Information
- FHS All Night Grad (ANG) Information
- Coming Soon: School Start Times Survey
- Save the Date for the FCPS Summer Extravaganza
- Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid
- FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best
- FCPS News
- KJMS Family Liaisons
- March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter
- March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr - No School
- April 1 - Teacher Workday -Student Holiday
- April 3 - IRW -SOL Testing for 8th Graders
- April 4 - KJMS Dance - 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
- April 7-11 - National Assistant Principals Week
- April 9 - Breakfast for Military Families- 8:00 AM - Library
- April 9 - PTA Meeting - 7:00 PM - Virtual
- April 11 - Young Scholar and AVID Field Trip
- April 14-18 - Spring Break
- April 23 - Reading iReady
- May 7 - Reading SOL
- May 14 - Math SOL
- May 21 - Science SOL (8th Grade Only)
- May 22-28 - MAP (Math) Assessment
April Recognitions:
Monty of the Military Child
National Arab American Heritage Month
Muslim American Heritage Month
School Library Month
Autism Acceptance Month
Principal's MessageGood afternoon, KJMS Families,
We have reached the end of the third quarter! A reminder there is no school for students on Monday (3/31) and Tuesday (4/1). We will welcome students back to begin the 4th quarter on Wednesday (4/2). A number of celebrations from the past week:
- Last Saturday, our MATHCOUNTS team (see picture below) traveled to Virginia Tech to compete at the state level, and we couldn’t be prouder of their performance! The team demonstrated incredible persistence and teamwork throughout the competition. KJMS earned 5th place in the Team Round, and a special shoutout goes to Nicolaus Maloney who placed 4th in the Countdown Round. Great job, team, and way to show your passion for math! A huge thank you to Coach Gosavi for all her hard work and dedication, and to Ms. Hyun for sponsoring the team. That's a wrap for MATHCOUNTS this year—congratulations to all our participants for their hard work and commitment!
- Congratulations to the KJMS Quiz-ka-teers who competed at a Quizbowl event this past Sunday at Centennial High School. Two teams qualified to play for Nationals this May in Orlando!
- Our Special Olympics Unified basketball team traveled over to Fairfax High School on Wednesday and played a great game! There was lots of outstanding passing, dribbling, shooting and teamwork!
- Congratulations to our 7th grade Model UN students who participated in their first Model UN Conference last weekend!
- Our KJMS Volleyball season has started and our athletes are working hard. The boys team came up short against Franklin MS last night and the team displayed excellent effort and sportsmanship. The girls team showed their resilience to overcome an early deficit and came from behind to defeat Franklin MS in three sets. The girls improved to 2-0 on the season, great job girls!
Enjoy the weekend,
Chris Smith
Principal - Katherine Johnson MS
Use FCPS Cares to recognize any of our staff members
Safety of Our EaglesTo keep us all safe, please note a couple of things that we can all do to continue to keep KJMS a great safe place.
- Bevan Dr. is not a parent drop-off area and is not monitored by a crossing guard. Families can access the Kiss and Ride area by using our Jermantown Rd. entrance.
- Our Kiss and Ride area can safely unload about 15 cars (when everyone pulls all the way up to the end of the sidewalk and does not leave spaces between cars) in about 20 seconds from start to finish.
Student Full Day Absences Reported through ParentVUE
Attendance reporting at Katherine Johnson MS
Parents and caregivers can report full-day absences for the current school day and the next four school days following using ParentVUE.
For absences that extend beyond this five-day window, parents and caregivers must report these directly to the school by calling the attendance line or using the attendance email (see below).
Parents and caregivers must also report late arrivals and early dismissals directly to the school, as partial-day absences cannot be recorded in ParentVUE. Please report these one of two ways:
Top 10 Reasons KJMS Is ExtraordinaryAt KJMS, we’re proud of our students, staff, and families and the ways they make our community special. Check out 10 reasons we’re proud to be the Eagles and why KJMS is an amazing place to learn and grow!
Korean Class Visits H MartOur students had a fantastic time applying what they have learned in a real-world setting at H Mart! It was a great opportunity to explore, engage, and enjoy a hands-on learning experience.
Order Your 2024-2025 KJMS Yearbook Now!Time is running out! The yearbook deadline is April 18th, just next month. Secure your copy today and cross one thing off your to-do list.
With limited extra copies available, ordering now guarantees you won't miss out. Don't delay—hardcover yearbooks are $25.
2025 Virtual Military NightFCPS School Counseling Services is hosting a Virtual Military Night on Thursday, April 10, 2025, from 6 to 8 p.m. This event is designed for both middle school and high school students and their families who are interested in learning more about military pathways and opportunities. All military branches (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force) will participate. Information about enlistment, service academies, and ROTC pathways will be shared.
Attn: Military FamiliesApril is Month of the Military Child (MOMC). We would like to invite you and your KJMS student(s) to a celebration breakfast on April 9th at 8:00 AM in the library. Please fill out this form to RSVP.
Also, if you are currently serving in any of the branches of our military or have served in the past, we would like you to submit a picture of you and your family for our Purple Star wall. You may send a hard copy with your student to drop off at the main office, or for your convenience, submit the picture electronically to either Maria Marris at [email protected] or Andrea Holmes at [email protected].
Every year Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) takes the opportunity to recognize military-connected youth for their service and contribution to our community. FCPS is proud to have over 14,000 military-connected youth as a part of our student body. We appreciate the varied life experiences they bring to our school community, and recognize their strength and resilience. Learn more about Month of the Military Child and FCPS resources for military families.
KJMS Amazon WishlistKatherine Johnson Families, please consider stocking snacks and drinks for our amazing staff. One way to contribute is by using our KJMS Amazon Wishlist. Our Amazon Wishlist is quick, easy, and set-up for the items to be delivered directly to the school. As a reminder, you are always welcome to bring other items (prepackaged snacks, waters, etc.) to the Main Office as donations. We thank you in advance for your generosity and partnership.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kara Payne at 703-934-2401.
National School Librarian DayApril 4 is National School Librarian Day. In FCPS libraries, students develop knowledge and skills, experience a sense of belonging, find inspiration and support, and have the ability to freely pursue their personal interests and academic growth. At KJMS is very lucky to have Ms. Carmichael and Ms. Betten as our school Librarians. Be sure to thank them for all they do for our students and staff!!
National Library Week:
April is School Library Month and it's a great time to celebrate the essential role that school librarians play in the lives of students. School librarians ensure students have access to a wide variety of high-quality books and resources that connect them to the world and build a culture of literacy. Librarians develop lessons that are meaningful to students and help them develop critical thinking, inquiry, and information literacy skills. They support learning across all subject areas by teaching students the skills to be independent problem-solvers and creative thinkers. By creating a safe environment for all students to be engaged and curious learners, FCPS libraries are places where everyone belongs. Take a moment to learn more about FCPS Library Programs and share your appreciation of your school librarian!
KJMS PTA Information FHS All Night Grad (ANG) InformationThe FHS All Night Grad (ANG) Silent Auction is closed now but you can still donate to support the Fairfax High Class of ‘25 so ALL our seniors can celebrate safely the night of graduation! Since ANG was created more than 35 years ago, no FHS student has been involved in a drug or alcohol related traffic incident the night of graduation.
If you’d prefer to make a tax deductible donation to help keep ticket prices affordable please click here!
Donations & Sponsorships for Class of 2025 ANG Party
Thank you!
Coming Soon: School Start Times SurveyLast year, FCPS held community forums and surveyed middle school families regarding middle school start times. Now, we would like to hear from all staff and families on the possibility of adjusting school start times across the division. The goal remains to begin middle school at 8 a.m. or later at the start of the 2026-27 school year.
On April 1, a survey link will be sent by email to staff, parents/caregivers, and students in grades 5-12. The confidential survey will be open for two weeks and will be available in multiple languages.
Save the Date for the FCPS Summer ExtravaganzaDiscover summer learning and activities available in Fairfax County!
Attend the FCPS Summer Extravaganza on Saturday, May 10, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at Woodson High School and get a jump on summer learning. At this free event, participants can engage in educational and enrichment activities designed to inspire curiosity and growth.
Activities will include student performances, story time, a moon bounce, and face painting. For more information, visit the Summer Extravaganza webpage.
Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Michelle ReidYour voice matters, and Superintendent Reid wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS on one of the dates listed below from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Click on a date to register. Registration is not required but is encouraged for planning purposes.
Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
- Tuesday, April 1, Lorton Station Elementary School
- Monday, April 7, Greenbriar West Elementary School
- Monday, April 21, Mount Eagle Elementary School
- Wednesday, April 23, Mason Crest Elementary School
Next Steps in the Budget Process
The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22. The Board of Supervisors will then conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak.
Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.
FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- School Start Times Survey
- Science Fair Winners
- Celebrating Champion Students and Staff
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Calendar RemindersQuarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday
Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students.
All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr.
Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday.
Earth Week - April 21-25
FCPS Get2Green is excited to host our division-wide Earth Week 2025! Earth Week is a fun way to highlight the work happening in your school, foster new learning, and develop students as environmental stewards and ethical and global citizens.
See the complete school year calendar.
KJMS Family LiaisonsIf you need to contact one of our parent liaisons, Ana Maxey (Mon.- Fri.) or Jennie Choi (Tues. & Wed.), please call 703-934-2454 and leave a message with your name, your student's name and phone number. You may also contact them via email: Ana Maxey at [email protected] or Jennie Choi at [email protected]
Family Resource CenterThe Family Resource Center (PRC) offers free workshops (webinars), consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
FCPS CaresDo you want to celebrate a Katherine Johnson employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.
Stay in Touch with Us- Katherine Johnson Middle School website
- Sign up or change preferences for News You Choose
- Katherine Johnson Middle School PTSA website
- FCPS Standard School Year Calendar
- City of Fairfax Schools Newsletter
- FCPS Cares: Share and submit your story about a Katherine Johnson staff member who has gone above and beyond for your child this year.
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS.
3801 Jermantown Road Fairfax, VA 22030 | Main Office: 703-934-2400
Attendance: 703-934-2424 | Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram